NRA Vice President Wayne LaPierre holds a press conference Friday in response to the mas shooting at Sandy hook Elementary, Newton CT. LaPierre justifiably attacks Hollywood violence and news media engines for the blatant disregard to relevant journalism.While murderous movies and video games are within hands reach from our children; the media refuses to report. Yet they are quick to blame the constitution, and law abiding gun-owners.
NRA Conference:
Notice the second interruption by CodePink co-founder Medea Benjamin, and think back to the Occupy Movements which wreaked havoc, terror, and destruction throughout multiple metropolitan communities. Individuals like Ms. Benjamin, reinforced by the mass left news agencies, instantly attacked the legitimate, conservative, and non-violent Tea Party Movement branding them as "terrorists." However, with municipal damages topping 21 million dollars, the countless of dollars lost and the devastating damage to small businesses, the hacking and internet release of personal information to police officers made capable by the mysterious organization Anonymous, and the horrific rapes occurring within the Occupy compounds, this is not your typical exhibition.
With that being said, the Occupy Wall street movement, completely supported by the Democratic Left in Washington (President Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Joe Biden have publicly praised Occupy), and the radical media monsters (Michael Moore and CodePink Medea Benjamin), is ultimately a domestic terror ploy in bed and no different than the West's radical Islamic enemies.
Truth behind the FAR left, Occupy, and CodePink Medea Benjamin:
Watch Occupy Unmasked
December 21, 2012
December 19, 2012
Boehner and Obama Showdown
House Speaker John Boehner responds to the President's relentless stalemate on "fiscal cliff" discussions this Wednesday. President Obama intends to veto Boehner's "plan B" to increase taxes on Americans earning 1$ million dollars or more in any case an agreement around spending cuts or Democratic desired tax increases are not settled.
GOP House Speaker Boehner fires back:
Direct to the point Mr. President.
Despite the recent skepticism of Mr. Boehner's toughness and overall handling of the situation-flexing his muscles this way warrants some respect. The GOP showed a little backbone today.
GOP House Speaker Boehner fires back:
Direct to the point Mr. President.
Despite the recent skepticism of Mr. Boehner's toughness and overall handling of the situation-flexing his muscles this way warrants some respect. The GOP showed a little backbone today.
The Benghazi Report: 3 State Deptartment Officials Quit
"Systemic failures and leadership and management deficiencies" at the State Department was cited in the Accountability Review Board's report (released Tuesday) regarding the Benghazi attack on September 11. In response, The New York Times reports that three state officials quit on Wednesday:
...after an independent panel severely criticized the “grossly inadequate” security arrangements at an American diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, where Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans were killed in an attack.
The officials who resigned were Eric Boswell, the assistant secretary of state for diplomatic security; Charlene Lamb, the deputy assistant secretary responsible for embassy security; and Raymond Maxwell, a deputy assistant secretary who had responsibility for the North Africa region, an administration official said.Read report here
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who is suffering from a virus, is planning to report in front of the House Foreign Affairs committee sometime next month according to Rep. Ros-Lehtinen (committee chairwoman).
Read Clinton's letter to Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen
Finally, on "CBS This Morning," CBS news political director John Dickerson raises an interesting element:
"The big question here was, 'Did Hillary Clinton duck this when it was going on? Did the administration know there was a systemic failure here, but try to push away that story and create a new story?'" said Dickerson. "Much better for it to be a spontaneous attack which no one could see coming than to have systemic failures which they should have seen coming."So what does this mean for the Clinton's political aspirations in 2016? Dickerson predicts, "What Republicans say about this report and her culpability for the failures will be played again and again if she is the nominee or runs in 2016,"
Meanwhile, Bill's "I told you so" moment, for Hillary to unseat the incumbent in 2012, is bitter sweet at the tip of his tongue.
December 18, 2012
Tax hikes looming with no "middle ground."
The fiscal cliff is approaching and Republican hopes to cut Democratic excessive spending continues to appear unattainable. Meanwhile, the White House (unsurprisingly) rejects House Majority Leader John Boehner's further pleas to find some sort of common ground.
Fox News:
Boehner called for taxes to rise only on households making more than $1 million. His plan also called for entitlement cuts and a tax reform debate next year.
The feisty exchange came as both sides crept toward a possible middle ground in private talks. But underscoring the differences that remain, the White House resisted Boehner's bid to craft a "Plan B" just in case those talks fail to yield a compromise before a Jan. 1 deadline -- that's when taxes are set to rise on everyone, followed by a wave of spending cuts.Boehner's office fired back saying that the White House's rejection, "defies common sense."
Furthermore, Boehner and his House Republicans are obviously attempting to create a bi-partisan agreement with the President in hopes of preventing tax increases across the board. Yet, the familiar and persistent stonewalling from the White House may suggest that coming to terms with GOP lawmakers to advert the fiscal cliff is not the agenda.
As former DNC chairman and Presidential candidate Howard Dean puts it:
"Let's just go over the fiscal cliff," he said Monday on CNBC's "Squawk Box." "Everybody's going to bite the bullet. The Republicans are going to hate the taxes."Boehner spokesman Brendan Buck accuses the President as, "moving the goal posts," and "threatening every American family with higher taxes" with the current rejection of "plan-B."
However, if the Democrats ultimately want a total increase in taxes (and blame Republicans with its failures) why not continue to play this game with the GOP?
Boehner and his crew must not participate in any further cat and mouse games with Democrats who selfishly gloat amongst each other with no legitimate intentions to cut spending. Either way it turns out, the Republicans will be blamed.
December 16, 2012
Reports show Sen. John Kerry a shoo in for Sec. of State
Apparently President Obama has decided Senate Foreign Relations Committee head John Kerry to replace Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State in Foggy Bottom. Anonymous reports from Reuters, CNN, and ABC News confirm Kerry's nomination from the President following UN Ambassador Rice's recent withdrawal from consideration.
According to Reuters, Kerry's announcement could come early as mid-week: However, it could be delayed to prevent any perceptions of an over-hasty return to politics considering the devastating events at Sandy Hook Elementary, Connecticut.
Kerry's announcement may come packaged with multiple changes for the President's second term: Stuffed with controversy, and wrapped in a great big bow. Rhetoric carolers will be singing and praising the President's nominations despite the "bumps in the road" as so elegantly put by the President:
President Obama's "Bumpy" Nominations:
And on a taxation note- what ever happened to "paying your fair share" when the root of the majority of Obama's controversial nominees have withdrawn due to continuous speculations and accusations around tax evasion?
Here are some possible key player changes upon Kerry's announcement:
According to Reuters, Kerry's announcement could come early as mid-week: However, it could be delayed to prevent any perceptions of an over-hasty return to politics considering the devastating events at Sandy Hook Elementary, Connecticut.
Kerry's announcement may come packaged with multiple changes for the President's second term: Stuffed with controversy, and wrapped in a great big bow. Rhetoric carolers will be singing and praising the President's nominations despite the "bumps in the road" as so elegantly put by the President:
President Obama's "Bumpy" Nominations:
- Tom Daschle
- Nominated to be Health and Human Services Secretary
- Withdrew due to tax scandal
- Tim Geithner
- Nominated & Current Treasury Secretary
- Called to testify during AIG scandal
- Bill Richardson
- Nominated to be Commerce Secretary
- Withdrew due to federal Grand Jury investigations into exchanged government contracts for contributions to three Richardson political committees.
- Nancy Killefer
- Withdrew to be Chief Performance Officer due to unpaid taxes
- Susan Rice
- Nominated to be Hillary Clinton's replacement as Secretary of State
- Withdrew due to mass controversy surrounding the Benghazi attack on September 11, 2012
- Rice appeared on several media engines and deceitfully misled the American people pre-election claiming the coordinated terrorist attack was merely an uprising over an anti-Muslim film streamed on YouTube.
And on a taxation note- what ever happened to "paying your fair share" when the root of the majority of Obama's controversial nominees have withdrawn due to continuous speculations and accusations around tax evasion?
Here are some possible key player changes upon Kerry's announcement:
The announcement of Kerry’s nomination will probably come as a package that would also include Obama’s choice for defense secretary. Former Republican Senator Chuck Hagel is seen as the top contender for that post. Sen. Robert Menendez of New Jersey is expected to take over Kerry's role in the Foreign Relations Committee, reports the credit: World Bank Photo Collection via photopin cc
FEINSTEIN: Assault weapons will be banned by new Congress
On NBC's Meet the Press Sunday, Senator Diane Feinstein (D-California) promised that she will introduce an assault weapon ban on the first day of the new Congress.
December 14, 2012
Graphic Syrian footage: Radical Islamic rebel tests chemical weapons on rabbits
This is the face of our enemy: hidden and cowardly voicing bold words. Radical Islamic rebels gain access to some of the worlds most dangerous arsenals. From the looks of this video, these weapons are some sort of a nerve agent.
Syrian Tribune:
The video starts with several scenes showing chemical containers with Tekkim labels (Tekkim is a Turkish chemicals company) and some lab equipment, while playing Jihadists chants in the background. A glass box then appears with two rabbits inside, with a poster on the wall behind it reading The Almighty Wind Brigade (Kateebat A Reeh Al Sarsar). A person wearing a lab mask then mixes chemicals in a beaker in the glass box, and we see some gas emitting from the beaker. About a minute later, the rabbits start to have random convulsions and then die. The person says: You saw what happened? This will be your fate, you infidel Alawites, I swear by ALLAH to make you die like these rabbits, one minute only after you inhale the gas.
Judging from the rabbits’ reaction, the gas must be a nerve agent. The number of containers, if not a bluff, indicates ability to produce a considerable amount of this gas. Deployment could be by means of a smoke generator placed in the target area, an explosion, possibly a suicide one, of a ”chemmed” car, or simply by using a humidifier.Meanwhile, the Obama administration describe a particular "red-line" that Syria must avoid at all costs. Yet it appears that now rebel forces have their dirty hands on dirty weapons-however, this particular group is threatening the Syrian civilians. It peculiar to assess if President Obama may have some fondness and admiration for these "freedom fighters."
Scholar, and creator of the documentary 2016 Obama's America Dinesh D'Souza:
D’Souza: You know, Obama's been boasting, certainly he deserves credit for the bin Laden operation, remember the bin Laden operation is different from than these Muslim jihadists in Iraq or Afghanistan or even the Palestinians in Israel, I think Obama views those guys like freedom fighters, fighting to liberate their country from US occupation. But bin Laden is not defending his own country, he came to our country to knock down a bunch buildings and so from Obama's point of view he's just a gangster, he's like an international serial killer. So there's no inconsistency with calling Obama an anti-colonialist on the one hand and yet saying he approved the bin Laden killing on the other.
You know, Obama's been boasting, certainly he deserves credit for the bin Laden operation, remember the bin Laden operation is different from than these Muslim jihadists in Iraq or Afghanistan or even the Palestinians in Israel, I think Obama views those guys like freedom fighters, fighting to liberate their country from US occupation. But bin Laden is not defending his own country, he came to our country to knock down a bunch buildings and so from Obama's point of view he's just a gangster, he's like an international serial killer. So there's no inconsistency with calling Obama an anti-colonialist on the one hand and yet saying he approved the bin Laden killing on the other.
A day of silence for those killed or injured in CT School
26 people brutally murdered in a Connecticut school shooting. 20 of the heartbreaking victims were children.
Read more
Just in, President Obama's emotional press conference in response to today's tragic slaughter:
Video Provided by New York Times.
Moving forward, we at RWP will take a day of silence and reflect upon the innocence lost today. Every child, every teacher, and every parent will be in our hearts. We will pray for every soul affected by today's events.
Twitter ~ @Right_wingpost
The shooter, who sources identified as Adam Lanza, 20, gunned down his mother and her entire class at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., according to sources.
Lanza was found dead inside the school, according to officials. Eighteen of the children and six more adults were dead at the school and two more children died later, according to Connecticut State Police Lt. Paul Vance.Vance said during an afternoon news conference that police arrived at the scene "within minutes" of a 911 call placed shortly after 9:30 a.m.
Read more
Video Provided by New York Times.
Moving forward, we at RWP will take a day of silence and reflect upon the innocence lost today. Every child, every teacher, and every parent will be in our hearts. We will pray for every soul affected by today's events.
Twitter ~ @Right_wingpost
December 13, 2012
ESPN: RGIII 'Cornball Brother' because he may be a Republican? Or is it because his fiancee is white?
Earlier on ESPN's First Take, sports columnist Rob Parker made unfavorable comments about Washington Redskin's rookie quarterback Robert Griffin III.
The Blaze:
(Rob Parker's defense to calling RGIII a "Cornball Brother:"
Unfortunately, Mr. Parker's attacks must stem from deep resentment being that RGIII has only demonstrated complete professionalism as a very well spoken successful athlete. The world has now seen Rob Parker's verbal astuteness.
Meanwhile, step #3 from "How to be articulate: 8 steps - Wiki How" states: Think before you speak. This helps to eliminate verbal pauses and may prevent you from saying something that does not make sense.
Don't beat yourself up too much for falling in the 47%.
The Blaze:
(Rob Parker's defense to calling RGIII a "Cornball Brother:"
As transcribed by The Washington Post’s Dan Steinberg:
“Well, [that] he’s black, he kind of does his thing, but he’s not really down with the cause, he’s not one of us,” Parker explained. “He’s kind of black, but he’s not really the guy you’d really want to hang out with, because he’s off to do something else.”Ultimately, Parker's blast from the past take and explanation to RGIII's articulate and intelligent demeanor is a perfect example of not only an ugly racist perspective, but more importantly chronicles substantial jealousy which mirrors a significant dilemma Michigan faces with Detroiters today: illiteracy rate at 47%.
Why is that your question, Parker was asked.
“Well, because I want to find out about him,” Parker said. “I don’t know, because I keep hearing these things. We all know he has a white fiancée. There was all this talk about he’s a Republican, which, there’s no information [about that] at all. I’m just trying to dig deeper as to why he has an issue. Because we did find out with Tiger Woods, Tiger Woods was like I’ve got black skin but don’t call me black. So people got to wondering about Tiger Woods early on.”
Unfortunately, Mr. Parker's attacks must stem from deep resentment being that RGIII has only demonstrated complete professionalism as a very well spoken successful athlete. The world has now seen Rob Parker's verbal astuteness.
Meanwhile, step #3 from "How to be articulate: 8 steps - Wiki How" states: Think before you speak. This helps to eliminate verbal pauses and may prevent you from saying something that does not make sense.
Don't beat yourself up too much for falling in the 47%.
Susan Rice withdraws her name as SECY State Candidate
Not entirely sure what brought about her "change of heart" but President Obama expresses deep "regret" as reported on Yahoo! News:
Despite the dismal recent coverage-barely grasping any media attention-many Americans and no question the families of those murdered will allow the truth to die. Benghazi will forever remain a stain on an already tarnished administration.
Twitter ~ @Right_wingpost
Obama confirmed her withdrawal in a statement on Thursday afternoon, saying: "While I deeply regret the unfair and misleading attacks on Susan Rice in recent weeks, her decision demonstrates the strength of her character, and an admirable commitment to rise above the politics of the moment to put our national interests first."The White House has been quick to defend Rice following her misleading reports on several television shows regarding the Benghazi attack claiming four brave Americans. The administration understands that the removal of Rice's consideration to replace Hillary Clinton would probably bury the controversy and possible cover-up that surrounds the terrorist attack on September 11, 2012.
Despite the dismal recent coverage-barely grasping any media attention-many Americans and no question the families of those murdered will allow the truth to die. Benghazi will forever remain a stain on an already tarnished administration.
Twitter ~ @Right_wingpost
December 12, 2012
'Homeland' star sends Obama a signed copy with a Muslim Joke
Damien Lewis-British star best known as Major Winters in the HBO mini-series "Band of Brothers", and currently the main antagonist of the highly popular show "Homeland"-sent a requested signed copy to one of Washington's biggest fan: President Obama.
However, Lewis was unsure of what to write:
While on "The Jonathan Ross Show," "Homeland" star Damian Lewis revealed that they sent Obama a signed DVD set, with each star adding a personal flavor to their signature.
"Claire Danes had written something really lovely and sweet saying, 'I was a fan of yours long before you were a fan of ours,'" Lewis said. Then he started racking his brain for what he should write. "I went, 'From one Muslim to another' in an indelible Sharpie. I couldn't take it back."The highly anticipated season finale can be watched on Showtime on Sunday, December 16th at 10:00PM ET/PT. Let's hope the President has an open sense of humor: Showtime renews for a third season.
Lewis's interview with The Jonathan Ross Show can be seen here: Huffington Post
photo credit: fluterirl via photopin cc
December 11, 2012
Hillary Clinton a potential sure win in 2016? And is America ready for Socialism?
As Republicans pick themselves up after the devastating defeat in the 2012 elections, hopes for the next GOP victory in the White House may be grim.
James Carville on ABC News:
What is interesting is the media blackout regarding Hillary's political faith in socialism backed up by evidence which has been locked up and forgotten during her husband's presidency. Just recently, according to MSNBC, was her 1969 senior thesis from Wellesley College made public. Hillary's manifesto, "THERE IS ONLY THE FIGHT..." An Analyst of the Alinsky Model, probes American community organizer-known outspoken socialist-and author of Rules for Radicals.
Why did former President Clinton require this paper to be kept hidden? Were the Americans during the 90s simply not ready nor prepared to accept radical socialism in Washington? Is the country now prepared, and are Americans today more accepting to this ideology? What prepared the public for this outlandish political metamorphosis?
There is no question the socialist's agenda has been planned and implemented years ago. The trickle of anti-American principles have actually impeded our lives by means of the steam rolling vehicle known as the mass media. Thus, the transition may have already arrived as our father's fathers turn over in their graves- partisan alike.
photo credit: Angela Radulescu via photopin cc
James Carville on ABC News:
Meanwhile, the leftist mass media continues to pour salt in the wounds of Republicans-painting an immutable, diabolical illustration despite truth and integrity. There is no question that the overwhelming umbrella of the liberal media are embalming and laying to rest the Republican party.“I don’t know what she’s going to do, but I do know this: The Democrats want her to run. And I don’t just mean a lot of Democrats. I mean a whole lot of Democrats, like 90 percent across the country,” Carville said. “We just want to win. We think she’s the best person and shut it down. And that’s across the board.”
What is interesting is the media blackout regarding Hillary's political faith in socialism backed up by evidence which has been locked up and forgotten during her husband's presidency. Just recently, according to MSNBC, was her 1969 senior thesis from Wellesley College made public. Hillary's manifesto, "THERE IS ONLY THE FIGHT..." An Analyst of the Alinsky Model, probes American community organizer-known outspoken socialist-and author of Rules for Radicals.
Why did former President Clinton require this paper to be kept hidden? Were the Americans during the 90s simply not ready nor prepared to accept radical socialism in Washington? Is the country now prepared, and are Americans today more accepting to this ideology? What prepared the public for this outlandish political metamorphosis?
There is no question the socialist's agenda has been planned and implemented years ago. The trickle of anti-American principles have actually impeded our lives by means of the steam rolling vehicle known as the mass media. Thus, the transition may have already arrived as our father's fathers turn over in their graves- partisan alike.
photo credit: Angela Radulescu via photopin cc
December 10, 2012
Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood early stocking stuffers: M1A1 Tanks and F-16 Jets from U.S
At the brink of revolt, Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood newly established "Dictator in Chief" received a healthy early Christmas gift:
Tanks, billions of tax-payer dollars, and a squadron of some of the most advanced, flying, war-machines ever constructed are now in the hands of our enemy. There is no question, as the Egyptian people stand surrounded by American made tanks, that the recent uprising could result in further civilian slaughter. Actually, Morsi has already threatened his own people with preemptive military action, but where does President Obama stand?
We all remember Obama's support of the overthrow of Mubarak last year:
Yet this time around Obama urges Morsi to maintain peace and to steer from violence:
Is Morsi, the leader of Africa's largest superpower whom publicly called for the destruction of Israel (video here), a righteous ally for the United States to protect and coddle? It is very obvious that President Obama clearly prefers Morsi (the Muslim Brotherhood) to maintain power in Egypt despite the ominous agenda this organization represents worldwide. If not, our President would have supported the anti-totalitarianism and pro-democratic uprising the Egyptian civilians continue to manifest, because he has done so based on track record.
For Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood-dominated government, more battle tanks and jet fighters are on their way from the United States.
Cairo’s military link to Washington has remained intact, meaning the U.S. will continue to modernize the biggest military in Africa — even as President Mohammed Morsi has decreed near-absolute power for himself and his supporters and opponents battle outside his palace.It is quite disturbing that, given the current political circumstances in Egypt, Washington remains in close support with a known syndicated terrorist government. The Muslim Brotherhood is no longer just an organization seeking worldwide radical theocracy. Ever since the questionable "democratic" election in June of 2012, this organization now has a quite significant and substantial worldly power being the largest army in Africa:
For now, Egypt is due 200 M1A1 Abrams battle tanks, the same mechanized firepower manned by American soldiers, bringing Egypt’s inventory to a robust 1,200.
Also in the pipeline is a squadron of the Air Force F-16 Falcon, a multipurpose warplane able to dogfight and drop ordnance.
The government awarded Lockheed Martin Corp. a contract in March 2010 for 20 F-16s, the last to be delivered next year. That would increase Egypt’s total fleet to 240, according to a company press release at the time.
“Egypt has far and away the largest army in Africa,” said Egypt analyst Robert Springborg, a professor at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, Calif.
The billions of dollars in U.S. military aid — in annual $1.3 billion stipends — have made the Egyptian air force the fourth-largest F-16 operator among 25 countries. Egypt’s 4,000 tanks, including the 1,000 or so M1A1s, make it the world’s seventh-largest tank army.
Tanks, billions of tax-payer dollars, and a squadron of some of the most advanced, flying, war-machines ever constructed are now in the hands of our enemy. There is no question, as the Egyptian people stand surrounded by American made tanks, that the recent uprising could result in further civilian slaughter. Actually, Morsi has already threatened his own people with preemptive military action, but where does President Obama stand?
We all remember Obama's support of the overthrow of Mubarak last year:
Shocked NBC Correspondent wonders why Obama supports Mubarak overthrow-as reported on
TODD: I just want to get your first reaction, before you give me a report, of the President saying Egypt was not an ally or an enemy.
ENGEL: Yeah, I almost had to sit down when I heard that. For the last forty years, the United States has had two main allies in the Middle East — Saudi Arabia and Egypt, the other ally in the Middle East being Israel. For the President to come out and say, well, he’s not exactly sure if Egypt is an ally any more but it’s not an enemy, that is a significant change in the perspective of Washington toward this country, the biggest country in the Arab world. It makes one wonder, well, was it worth it? Was it worth supporting the Arab Spring, supporting the demonstrations here in Tahrir Square, when now in Tahrir Square there are clashes going on behind me right in front of the US embassy?
You can see now teargas coming — teargas being fired into a crowd of demonstrators who are trying to get close to the embassy, which is at the end of the street, and throw rocks at the US embassy. A very different scene here, a very different Egypt before, when the United States — President Obama — was supporting the demonstrators, President Mubarak was in power, and Egypt was very much an ally. The President doesn’t seem to be sure if Egypt is an ally any more, and some demonstrators who the Arab Spring helped give a voice to are trying to attack the US embassy.
Yet this time around Obama urges Morsi to maintain peace and to steer from violence:
CAIRO -- Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi said he won't tolerate anyone working to overthrow the legitimate government.
Meanwhile, President Obama told Morsi that violence is unacceptable and urged talks with opposition leaders.Why is the U.S. President less supportive of this Egyptian "giant strive" towards democracy? Mubarak-though being a questionable dictator through his tenure-has always been in support with U.S. lead operations. Yet, President Obama considered him neither "friend nor foe."
Is Morsi, the leader of Africa's largest superpower whom publicly called for the destruction of Israel (video here), a righteous ally for the United States to protect and coddle? It is very obvious that President Obama clearly prefers Morsi (the Muslim Brotherhood) to maintain power in Egypt despite the ominous agenda this organization represents worldwide. If not, our President would have supported the anti-totalitarianism and pro-democratic uprising the Egyptian civilians continue to manifest, because he has done so based on track record.
December 8, 2012
Egyptian authorities arrest terror leader who may have ties to Benghazi

Muhammad Jamal Abu Ahmad- on allegations that directly tie him to the death of four Americans on September 11th, 2012 in Benghazi, Libya- was captured by Egyptian authorities with the help of U.S. intelligence. Ahmad- recently released from prison in 2011- has been very active, and hasn't missed a step despite his long incarceration as reported by Mediaite.
Jumping back with his terror cronies, Ahmad has been involved with the establishments of terror training camps in Egypt and Libya, was spearheading a future al-Qaeda foothold in Egypt, and according to Al Hayat, an Arabic newspaper based out of London, reported that al-Qaeda leader Ayman al Zawahiri has previously given Ahmad the green light to launch coordinated terror attacks in Libya, Egypt, and elsewhere.
On the home front, the steam generated by conservative media engines has dissipated recently in regards to the Benghazi controversy and potential cover-up. Despite the murder of heroic Americans overseas, the Obama administration cannot wait until this story is finally buried.
Can anybody say: Fast and the Furious?
In Washington, Reuters reports Secretary of State Hilary Clinton has agreed to testify on a report which is expected to surface sometime next week. Clinton will stand before the House Committee on Foreign Affairs headed by GOP representative Ileana Ros-Lehtinen.
Ros-Lehtinen said she expected an accountability review board convened by the State Department to release a report on the attack sometime next week.
The review board, led by veteran diplomatic heavyweight Thomas Pickering, is expected to consider whether enough attention was given to potential threats and how Washington responded to security requests from U.S. diplomats in Libya.
Ros-Lehtinen said she wanted to hear from Clinton about steps the State Department has taken to deal with problems in the "security of our posts, threat assessments, host government responsibilities and coordination with other U.S. security agencies."
The committee's press release did not give a date for the hearing with Clinton, but said it expected it to happen "soon after" the review board's report is released.
The pieces are beginning to fall into place, and though U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice has already admitted to her blatant lies to the American people through five major television shows following the tragedy in Benghazi, this administration has never been "straight" with the facts. Republican Senators McCain and Graham have been silent as of late- yet the Americans want answers and we refuse to forget. Americans have the right to know how (or why) the White House continues to portray the United States as a feeble force in the world.
Furthermore, this administration has successfully carried forward outright unacceptable displays of leadership- specifically on Benghazi- as they sat and watched the brutal deaths of Americans overseas working diligently to communicate and represent this downright insubstantial and adolescent administration's voice. For one thing, the White House has definitely been consistent with their daring "lead from behind" disposition on foreign policy.
photo credit: nznationalparty via photopin cc
December 6, 2012
Illinois Senate: Mrs.Obama to run for office?
December 5, 2012
Big bad government. Detroit already looking for their handouts
Detroit looking for their hand outs:
Fox News Detroit:
"City Council member JoAnn Watson said Tuesday the citizens support of Obama in last month’s election was enough reason for the president to bailout the struggling the city.
“Our people in an overwhelming way supported the re-election of this president and there ought to be a quid pro quo and you ought to exercise leadership on that,” said Watson. “Of course, not just that, but why not?”
“After the election of Jimmy Carter, the honorable Coleman Alexander Young, he went to Washington, D.C. and came home with some bacon,” said Watson. “That’s what you do.”
Video of Detroit city council member JoAnn Watson here:
Let us also be reminded of newly Democratic elected John F. Kennedy's Inaugural Address in January of 1961. JFK's inspiring words, "ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country," independently contradicts the majority of today's public's perception of government.
This is how big government continues to glutton His enduring path for future survival. First He lays down a foundation. The foundation is first coated with a unique brand of cement: littered with poverty, poor education, crime, and drugs. This cement is always wet- inescapable from certain damnation. This foundation is layered brick by brick by corrupt big government type city officials recreating a vicious cycle for the populous. From birth to death, or to incarceration- there is no escape.
Second, He gives false hope. He promises the world, and he promises it to be free. At this point, you are stuck and the cement has finally hardened despite your desperate plodding and wading towards any signs of possible success or prosperity for your children. You are lucky to have survived, and just at the very moment in which you and your family are ready to abandon the longing for any minute glimmer of the American Dream- a "dangling fish" is dropped ahead. But it is not yours. Not just yet, even though big government always promises it to be.
Once your peers sit in a similar situation: including neighbors, classmates, co-workers, uncles, aunts, brothers and sisters who are all down on their knees completely and utterly dependent of all the utopian promises big government has to offer: the populous is ideal. The populous becomes dangerously dependent, and harmfully leftist. This is not a "progressive" government. Rather, this is a voracious, devouring government so powerful you will not have a choice but to be dependent. Independence has forever been the very ideological foundation to our government and adjacently our success. I pray we never steer clear from such a prosperous experiment.
"The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the
government, and I'm here to help" - Ronald Reagan
Photo Credit
JFK Inaugural Address
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