Muhammad Jamal Abu Ahmad- on allegations that directly tie him to the death of four Americans on September 11th, 2012 in Benghazi, Libya- was captured by Egyptian authorities with the help of U.S. intelligence. Ahmad- recently released from prison in 2011- has been very active, and hasn't missed a step despite his long incarceration as reported by Mediaite.
Jumping back with his terror cronies, Ahmad has been involved with the establishments of terror training camps in Egypt and Libya, was spearheading a future al-Qaeda foothold in Egypt, and according to Al Hayat, an Arabic newspaper based out of London, reported that al-Qaeda leader Ayman al Zawahiri has previously given Ahmad the green light to launch coordinated terror attacks in Libya, Egypt, and elsewhere.
On the home front, the steam generated by conservative media engines has dissipated recently in regards to the Benghazi controversy and potential cover-up. Despite the murder of heroic Americans overseas, the Obama administration cannot wait until this story is finally buried.
Can anybody say: Fast and the Furious?
In Washington, Reuters reports Secretary of State Hilary Clinton has agreed to testify on a report which is expected to surface sometime next week. Clinton will stand before the House Committee on Foreign Affairs headed by GOP representative Ileana Ros-Lehtinen.
Ros-Lehtinen said she expected an accountability review board convened by the State Department to release a report on the attack sometime next week.
The review board, led by veteran diplomatic heavyweight Thomas Pickering, is expected to consider whether enough attention was given to potential threats and how Washington responded to security requests from U.S. diplomats in Libya.
Ros-Lehtinen said she wanted to hear from Clinton about steps the State Department has taken to deal with problems in the "security of our posts, threat assessments, host government responsibilities and coordination with other U.S. security agencies."
The committee's press release did not give a date for the hearing with Clinton, but said it expected it to happen "soon after" the review board's report is released.
The pieces are beginning to fall into place, and though U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice has already admitted to her blatant lies to the American people through five major television shows following the tragedy in Benghazi, this administration has never been "straight" with the facts. Republican Senators McCain and Graham have been silent as of late- yet the Americans want answers and we refuse to forget. Americans have the right to know how (or why) the White House continues to portray the United States as a feeble force in the world.
Furthermore, this administration has successfully carried forward outright unacceptable displays of leadership- specifically on Benghazi- as they sat and watched the brutal deaths of Americans overseas working diligently to communicate and represent this downright insubstantial and adolescent administration's voice. For one thing, the White House has definitely been consistent with their daring "lead from behind" disposition on foreign policy.
photo credit: nznationalparty via photopin cc
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