Today marks a historic day: The UN overwhelmingly votes in favor to consider a Palestinian State. This is directly due to the down-play of the Obama Administration of violence earlier this month. Israel is not approaching this with further force, yet the US passively "stands-by" their side by voting against the UN consideration. Correlation? Behind the scenes we can guess closed-door discussions between Israel and Washington were actively taking place. Pressure from the White House to accept, but publicly disagree the '67 lines of Israel.
How can Obama 100% support pre 1967 borders yet openly disagree with the UN? The President plays his cards- however this is not a hard game to play. He is protected by the mass umbrella of the liberal media, and the career journalists (who have easy access to Obama's public statements) will not dare to report anything detrimental to his eminence's legacy.
According to ABC news this is embarrasing:
"The United Nations voted overwhelmingly Thursday to recognize a Palestinian state, a long-sought victory for the Palestinians but an embarrassing diplomatic defeat for the United States."
This is indeed a diplomatic failure for the United States. For colonialism. Let's consider how Israel earned these borders in 1967? Anti-colonialism may be Obama's ultimate and global agenda.
Additionally, and again I impose this question- how can the United States oppose this vote (along with Israel) yet the President has already made it US policy to bring back these borders?
As Bruce Herschensohn points out in Obama's Globe, "On May 19th of 2011 in a major address to the people of the world, President of the United States Barrack Obama stated, 'We believe the borders of Israel and Palestine should be based on the 1967 lines with mutually agreed swaps, so that secure and recognized borders are established for both states'" (Herschensohn, Bruce. 2012. Obama's Globe).
Should the United States and Mexico negotiate borders based on the 1846 lines? Interestingly enough, despite what President Obama said, the war had nothing to do with the borders of Israel and Palestine. Instead, it had everything to do with the impending invasion of surrounding Arab states.
Obama's speech: May 19th, 2011
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