
December 14, 2012

Graphic Syrian footage: Radical Islamic rebel tests chemical weapons on rabbits

This is the face of our enemy: hidden and cowardly voicing bold words.  Radical Islamic rebels gain access to some of the worlds most dangerous arsenals.  From the looks of this video, these weapons are some sort of a nerve agent. 

Syrian Tribune:
The video starts with several scenes showing chemical containers with Tekkim labels (Tekkim is a Turkish chemicals company) and some lab equipment, while playing Jihadists chants in the background. A glass box then appears with two rabbits inside, with a poster on the wall behind it reading The Almighty Wind Brigade (Kateebat A Reeh Al Sarsar). A person wearing a lab mask then mixes chemicals in a beaker in the glass box, and we see some gas emitting from the beaker. About a minute later, the rabbits start to have random convulsions and then die. The person says: You saw what happened? This will be your fate, you infidel Alawites, I swear by ALLAH to make you die like these rabbits, one minute only after you inhale the gas.
Judging from the rabbits’ reaction, the gas must be a nerve agent. The number of containers, if not a bluff, indicates ability to produce a considerable amount of this gas. Deployment could be by means of a smoke generator placed in the target area, an explosion, possibly a suicide one, of a ”chemmed” car, or simply by using a humidifier.
Meanwhile, the Obama administration describe a particular "red-line" that Syria must avoid at all costs.  Yet it appears that now rebel forces have their dirty hands on dirty weapons-however, this particular group is threatening the Syrian civilians.  It peculiar to assess if President Obama may have some fondness and admiration for these "freedom fighters."

Scholar, and creator of the documentary 2016 Obama's America Dinesh D'Souza:
D’Souza: You know, Obama's been boasting, certainly he deserves credit for the bin Laden operation, remember the bin Laden operation is different from than these Muslim jihadists in Iraq or Afghanistan or even the Palestinians in Israel, I think Obama views those guys like freedom fighters, fighting to liberate their country from US occupation. But bin Laden is not defending his own country, he came to our country to knock down a bunch buildings and so from Obama's point of view he's just a gangster, he's like an international serial killer. So there's no inconsistency with calling Obama an anti-colonialist on the one hand and yet saying he approved the bin Laden killing on the other. 
You know, Obama's been boasting, certainly he deserves credit for the bin Laden operation, remember the bin Laden operation is different from than these Muslim jihadists in Iraq or Afghanistan or even the Palestinians in Israel, I think Obama views those guys like freedom fighters, fighting to liberate their country from US occupation. But bin Laden is not defending his own country, he came to our country to knock down a bunch buildings and so from Obama's point of view he's just a gangster, he's like an international serial killer. So there's no inconsistency with calling Obama an anti-colonialist on the one hand and yet saying he approved the bin Laden killing on the other. 

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