
December 11, 2012

Hillary Clinton a potential sure win in 2016? And is America ready for Socialism?

As Republicans pick themselves up after the devastating defeat in the 2012 elections, hopes for the next GOP victory in the White House may be grim. 

James Carville on ABC News:

“I don’t know what she’s going to do, but I do know this:  The Democrats want her to run.  And I don’t just mean a lot of Democrats.  I mean a whole lot of Democrats, like 90 percent across the country,” Carville said. “We just want to win.  We think she’s the best person and shut it down.  And that’s across the board.”
Meanwhile, the leftist mass media continues to pour salt in the wounds of Republicans-painting an immutable, diabolical illustration despite truth and integrity. There is no question that the overwhelming umbrella of the liberal media are embalming and laying to rest the Republican party.

What is interesting is the media blackout regarding Hillary's political faith in socialism backed up by evidence which has been locked up and forgotten during her husband's presidency.  Just recently, according to MSNBC, was her 1969 senior thesis from Wellesley College made public.  Hillary's manifesto, "THERE IS ONLY THE FIGHT..." An Analyst of the Alinsky Model, probes American community organizer-known outspoken socialist-and author of Rules for Radicals.

Why did former President Clinton require this paper to be kept hidden?  Were the Americans during the 90s simply not ready nor prepared to accept radical socialism in Washington?  Is the country now prepared, and are Americans today more accepting to this ideology?  What prepared the public for this outlandish political metamorphosis?

There is no question the socialist's agenda has been planned and implemented years ago. The trickle of anti-American principles have actually impeded our lives by means of the steam rolling vehicle known as the mass media.  Thus, the transition may have already arrived as our  father's fathers turn over in their graves- partisan alike. 


photo credit: Angela Radulescu via photopin cc

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